Three words to describe me as a therapist:
active, present, and compassionate
Goals when I sit with a client for the first time:
To be present in the moment with them, build trust and connect.
What drew me to this field:
Back when I started college, way back, when I was going for my associates, I started taking psychology classes and realized how much I liked it! Then I realized how dysfunctional my own family was and I wanted to learn more. After I graduated with my Bachelors, I worked in the mental health field for several years. In doing this, my desire to become a therapist drew stronger! Plus, I really love what I do! So that helps.
What I hope each of my clients believe about themselves:
That they have the power to overcome, the strength to persevere and that they are needed by someone!
Enneagram type and thoughts about it:
I am an 8. And I think that is amazing and powerful.
Something that might surprise you about me:
I have several tattoos and I love to clean and organize.
Three favorite character traits about myself:
loyal, motivated and strong
Most ridiculous way I’ve injured myself:
Cutting a avocado and tried to punch the seed with a knife, missed and hit the side of my thumb, its now forever deformed.
If one animal was made the size of an elephant, what would be the scariest?
An eagle- it would scoop down and pick up humans like little dogs!
Wierd food combination I enjoy:
Peanut butter and bananas on bread.